Aluminum Casting Products pouring temperature

Although aluminum casting temperature is going 700 , but actually look like liquid metal contact parts with the temperature not exceed 500 . The temperature range is exactly the gasification of polystyrene decomposition areas. At this point, look like material into gas and liquid, while the formation of a small amount of combustion products CO and CO2. Therefore, in the casting of aluminum and other low melting point alloys do not produce black smoke, only the white mist of gas while using sand, and riser rain. Under reasonable conditions, Aluminum Casting, one could not for surface defects caused by decomposition products of traces of mold that is cast Aluminum Casting polystyrene surface do not appear similar to the iron and steel castings given that surface defect. However, as polystyrene decomposition products among the interaction between gas and liquid aluminum to leading of Aluminum Casting silver lost its original sheen.
It should be noted, poly ethylene in the temperature range of aluminum casting, there is no cracking burning phenomenon. In addition, look at the casting process the liquid aluminum alloy material to draw from a lot of heat (699 kJ / kg) for the decomposition of gasification, unlike cast iron cast steel or aluminum, as a lot of warmth release associated with combustion (18 630 kJ / kg) to compensate for heat loss due to gasification. This will inevitably result in contacts the new appearance of the transition office alloy cooling, make sure part of the liquid phase decomposition gasification too late, but the concentration or pressure in the metal surface on the wall to the type and form of cold wall, subcutaneous gasification and other defects. However, the aluminum pouring temperature is exorbitant is not allowed. Just as easily lead alloy suction to relieve the mechanical properties of castings. To do this, select the appropriate casting temperature and casting speed on the obtained quality Aluminum Casting is valuable.
Aluminum Casting vibration parameters should be based on brand new and model to choose the form of clusters, for many castings, generally should double one-way vertical vibration, the greater complex castings for the structure, stage of vibration can be looked at one-way or two-dimensional and three-dimensional rumbling. Vibration amplitude of a magnificent influence with a dry sand molding, with acceleration that vibration toughness. For the general complexity of the casting and model cluster, acceleration within the 10 ~ 20m/s2. The amplitude will be the impact of model to maintain a certain rigidity among the important vibration parameters, the amplitude of EPC is mostly 0.5 ~ 3mm. More subtle vibration timing, casting and model should be combined with cluster Led Panel Light structure selection. But the overall associated with vibration approximately 10 to 30 seconds is suitable. While natalie42879 , half buried cluster model the vibration time is shorter in as much as possible, all embedded cluster model vitality after the vibration will most certainly be longer.

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